One of the deeper purposes for the bringing together of twin flames is to help each one expand the smaller scope of their lives into a much larger view and to begin living their lives without so many limits. Part of this is done by shattering age old beliefs about people, about love, about what they’re capable of,  and giving them both the strength and the courage to live outside the comfort zone where nothing changes.

A twin flame relationship is a deeply transmutative journey that assists each one to transform into the being they were always meant to be to become a vibrational match for one another and also with the new life they are to share together. This can’t happen at lower levels of consciousness.

You will know you are getting closer if you notice former blocks come tumbling down and a more inclusive and freeing mindset. Others may even remark that your countenance seems to be elevated as you begin to glow with the currents of divine love of your connection to your divine counterpart as you become closer to your beloved energetically.

The energy of your sacred relationship lay in the mystery of twin flames. There is an identical resonant frequency inside you that matches your twin flame. There is no other that this is even close to. You two are unique. It is because of this identical resonate frequency you both share that pushes you both out of your comfort zone and into a level of consciousness that aligns with your eventual meeting and your future together.

This is no normal relationship. The spiritual and psychic connection and nonverbal communication between you is heightened to an incredible immense level. All signs lead to union and you will be pulled to one another like magnets. So the pull will be huge to evolve because that is the other message of twin flames: if you want to connect, you must energetically match and rise to the necessary level of love, higher consciousness and safety necessary to make your Union more than a remote possibility.

The more inner work both you do, the closer you both get to one another. Because as your individual resonant frequencies evolve and are pulled towards one another, the greater you create the inner cup capable of containing the light, love, joy and power of this sacred Union. Your inner cup joins with their inner cup to make a much larger container for which you two can live your lives and evolve even further.


This leads to your dual mission which is as much romantic as it is important t for the safety, evolution and continuance of every other twin flame Union. The responsibility is to keep the energy at such a pure level that every block and inner resistance is ironed out, transmuted into light thereby adding to the mutual transformation of you two as was always meant to be.

Because the other part is that twin flames are required to evolve spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically to allow one other to meet at all. Radical self acceptance and self love are crucial elements for each twin flame as every advancement made by the individual twin is felt deeply and shared with one another.

The deeper reason for how each twin flame affects the other goes right back to the inner resonant frequency. There is an energetic twin flame inside you that has always been attached to your beloved’s higher self. They have one too which aligns perfectly with your own higher self. As you both evolve and find ways to align with the higher self of one another as well as the higher self within, the reward is Union. But you will also begin to feel the effects of this reward in your own spiritual life. You become even more sensitive and empathic, more caring, loving and able to navigate all kinds of energies to a much greater extent than you could in the past.

Once you are finally United, your mission together as twin flames will be revealed progressively. You will begin to radiate much more light than ever – not only to yourselves but also to everyone around you. The waves of light will ripple out to help others marinate in the fires of divine love which is far more evolved than conditional love. Every person you meet will be touched by the mutual pact you two have made by intuition without words or contracts. Thus sparking a revolution of higher consciousness in a larger segments of the population which was the greater reason for your Union altogether.

What’s Next?

Book a twin flame reading and energy balance:

 I offer twin flame readings that can help your own personal walk to the higher level of consciousness necessary to break down the barriers between you and your beloved twin flame. This will also have a side benefit to open the channels of divine manifestation for you so that you can become more effective in your life and prepare you to begin the work to start making room for your beloved to come into your life. Inner change is necessary to make this happen.

Simply view the schedule and set your times to meet. I must caution you however that it fills up fast. As an additional incentive, I will also provide my ebook Warrior Wisdom free of charge to the first 100 who sign up.

This is a fascinating journey and there will be future workshops, apprenticeships and additional materials to support you in your journey.