We’ve been apprised of the value of mindfulness, presence and the law of attraction in relation to mindfulness and spiritual inner training. Each advancement not only changes the trajectory for you personally.  It also affects and impacts the trajectories of everyone else you’re in contact with.

We can go to many spiritual retreats, practice hours of meditation, do good deeds, ask for the intercession of spirit guides, do shadow work in an effort to transform ourselves into the best version of ourselves. Yet without one key component, much effort can be expended with little or no results.

Manifesting requires an idea of what it is you really want, to see and feel what it’s like to actually have your desire fulfilled for you. It is in essence the ability to project oneself to live in a future moment of the victory of the attainment of your goal as if it has already been fulfilled. Then last steps is to let it go completely, tucked safely in the arms of universal intelligence and higher knowledge.

This particular formula may be called an alchemy. It is to change trajectories by the introduction of an irresistible energy of transformation into the world scene where many others may also benefit. Alchemy happens on many levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Alchemy is both microcosmic (happening deep within the tiniest cellular structures of ourselves on many levels) and macrocosmic (affecting change in a wider societal way impacting many groups of people in all directions in time and space.)

The typical idea behind the law of attraction is that which we constantly think and focus upon, engaging our thoughts, feelings and attention, helps it to come into being through attraction. Conversely, manifesting is the separate acknowledgment that everything we need and want already exists around us and like a conductor of an orchestra, the one doing the manifesting helps direct these energies towards actual precipitation into matter that which we desire to happen.   

The third option is that of soul alchemy which combines both methods. The focus begins within. The creation is held within the emotions and there is a deep acknowledgement that everything on the inner microcosmic level is symbiotically linked to everything on a outer macrocosmic field. Shifts on the inner eventually result in wider shifts on the outer, first within the person in question but then expanding out to everyone that person  is connected to, and then everyone else connected to each person in the soul alchemy field of awareness.

Mahatma Gandhi recognized this phenomenon when he once proclaimed, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” To do so is at the heart of soul alchemy. It happens microscopically at first and eventually expands into movements, social change, and the transformation of mankind through spiritual evolution from Homo sapiens to our next step on the evolutionary stage otherwise known as Homo spiritus.

The glue holding this entire alchemical experiment together is gratitude. Gratitude is the unspoken key component that allows personal change to expand into life transformation. Gratitude is also an inescapable component in the work of mindfulness and presence. To be here now means that we appreciate the moments we find ourselves in.

No small task especially when everything begins to go wrong. What does show up however is also solidly within the law of attraction manifesting because we are admittedly creators. There isn’t a time when we aren’t creating. We create all the time, even in those times where we wish we could essentially press pause on the universal recording device of the universe that records everything – our thoughts, our hidden fears, our anger, our resentments, our need to control, our desires and need to self express.

One way to smooth out the ripples created by our emotional thrashing around is through the calming and self soothing energies of gratitude itself. Eckart Tolle once mentioned the value of seeing everything that happens to us – the good, bad and ugly – as if it was something we’ve personally chosen.  This simple exercise helps us to find gratitude in whatever shows up no matter what it is. Because the truth is when things go awry, which they will from time to time, the universe walks with us to find our way in the most magical and transformative way.

An interesting thing to note is when I had my personal NDE, what was revealed to me during it is that there is a universal intention of what the universe as a sentient life-force itself wants to manifest in the world. The more we can join in with the intentions of the universe and help it along, we notice a calming effect because we sense and feel tremendous support and love from the universe to manifest together as co-creators. The universe acts as matching donor to our alchemical experiment so every investment we make is multiplied many times over, which can double, triple or quadruple our efforts, manifesting more with less effort because the universe wants what we want too.

Soul alchemy is the best way to achieve all of this, and I invite anyone who wishes to start to begin now.