If everything is connected then why we are we separated and why most people hate each other?
The truth is that while everything appears to be connected on a macrocosmic level, those connections are also deeply weighed by how we ourselves are connected within on a microcosmic level.
We live in an incredibly elaborate biofeedback chamber that gives us feedback as to what’s happening with our energy as a sentient being which goes onto making connections. This universe is essentially a mirror universe reflecting back both our own innermost functional and dysfunctional inner connective-ness.
The short answer to your question has to do with resistance which can actually be measured like an electric voltage circuit. The greater the resistance the more energy it takes to overcome the nature of the resistance. This applies on the smallest scale within to the largest outward scale.
Resistance to connection is ego based. The duality based construct of the universe and free will equation encourages independence at the expense of an abiding union with others.
The truth is that we are infinitesimal beings with very little influence on others yet this influence can be expanded exponentially as we connect with and co-create with the universal desire to overcome internal and external obstacles to maximize output by joining with others.
This joining also carries a measure of surrender required to connect with the universal energies whose intent is greater connection, thereby making the universe itself sentient.
My own observation is that this universe desires specific outcomes related to enhancing connection and empowers those willing to surrender to the greater intention and vision to connect everything and everyone, worlds without end.
A few words before you go
If you haven’t heard it today, you are a beautiful being of love and light. One of my main missions is to help you reconnect to the power, majesty and beauty that you are within. I’ve helped people all of the world who are at various stage of a spiritual awakening which reconnects them to their own personal power and direction in their life.
I am a trained shamanic practitioner who has been studying my entire life to help reconnect earnest seekers with the truth of their beings and assist them also in reconnecting to their divine mission, purpose and reason for being. This also includes any energy work to help clear the old matrices that no longer serve you as well as help connect you to your own beloved twin flame.
I use a specific technique that was taught to me by my mentor 45 years ago and for the purposes of spiritual awakening, divine career, the abundant life, I have countless testimonials of students worldwide who attest to the effectiveness of my work. I’d love to be in your corner to help. Let me know how I can and what you really want and need.
“Prior to working with Frederick I felt lost, afraid and alone. I felt like I was at a crossroad and didn’t know which way to turn. Although I had this incredibly beautiful life I was easily triggered by things and found it difficult to “snap out of it”. After Frederick’s energy clearing, I immediately felt different. I now feel a deep sense of peace and calm. I feel connected again to myself and others. I can enjoy the present moment. I am able to step into my power and claim the direction of my life. I get triggered far less frequently and when I do, I am able to view what’s happening as the Observer. I am able to move through the emotions without getting “stuck” in them. They no longer have the power they once had on me. Frederick has a gift of seeing what does not belong and powerfully removing it. He can also clearly see what does belong: the Beauty, Power and Light that we are. Thank you Frederick, I am truly grateful.”
-Rebecca S
“After sensing that I was carrying negative energy that was preventing me from living fully, I asked Frederick to clear that energy (and attachments) so that I could become better able to serve the Greater Good. It was an experience filled with healing light from the Divine. Frederick is a compassionate, caring, professional and I am grateful for his service and healing gifts that help me to better love and serve in life.”
-Maybeth H
“This Wizard’s energy healing of me has left me with a surprising number of new awareness in myself. I know his healing opened space for me: 1) To be more deeply aware of my own ability to continue to heal myself and others; 2) Epiphany after epiphany; 3) The awareness to remember who I AM; 4) A strong reminder that I am not alone; 5) Love. A Grateful Soul. I see you.”
-Amy F
“I met Frederick and was honored by his presence as he worked on me energetically, clearing me from cords and other energies that did not serve me. Frederick worked on me on a couple different occasions as needed. I immediately felt so much better. I had more energy, more focus and clarity and felt more emotionally stable after the healing and clearing that was performed by Frederick. I had also taken three of my daughters to him as well. He is incredibly compassionate, gifted and connected to spirit. I just can’t thank him enough for all he’s done for myself and my family.
-Doreen W